September 19, 2024

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Good morning.  It’s not too early here, and yet, the barn kitties are not out of bed…

“Summer is for sleeping in!” they’ve declared.

The rest of us were up with the birds… literally!

Summer will soon begin to wind down, I believe.  I’ve noticed a difference in the morning light – have you?

 Blueberry season is all but over – but, peach season has arrived.  Delicious, ripe, organic peaches!!

Yesterday morning we picked a bunch of peaches.  Although the ones picture below are still waiting to soften,

the rest of the ones we picked were quickly turned into this:

Homemade peach pie with an all-butter crust.  And here’s a little secret to really give your peaches some zing:  grate a teaspoon of fresh ginger in with your chunked peaches!  I used ⅔ cup sugar, ½ cup flour, juice from ½ lemon, 1 tsp cinnamon, and 1 tsp fresh ginger.  

Homemade peach pie with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream….Mmmm -mmmm!

Our pear tree is loaded with pears this year, as are our apple trees.  Looks like we’ll be having lots of pie this year.

I’ve noticed that our fig bushes are loaded with tiny fig babies.

It looks like this year will be a good year for figs.  Some years, the fruit doesn’t appear until autumn.  This year, we will have enough to make fig bars and fig jam.

I am worried, however, about our sweet potatoes.  It seems that over the past week, some bunny decided to nibble the vines down to twig – no leaves are left.

That’s the thing with gardening… we learn to take the losses in stride and revel in the wins!  Sweet potatoes may be a loss this year.  Believe it or not, I still have a handful of last summer’s sweet potatoes in my pantry!

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2024-07-25 03:00:00

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