February 23, 2025
Bee Haven Acres… Tales From The Farm

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Wednesday evening brought another half inch of rain to our land.  Finally, the earth is once again soft, instead of rock hard and parched.  With the rain, cooler temperatures prevailed.

We took the dogs for a walk in the woods yesterday morning.  I’ve been walking along the edge of the woods every couple of days, picking blackberries. 

The recent rains have helped to make the berries plump and juicy.  Without having to venture into the bramble, I was able to pick enough berries to make a small blackberry galette.

Meanwhile, Forrest was quite pleased with the treasure he found – a wild turkey feather.

Forrest was happy to find a large puddle in the riding arena and used it to cool himself off after running.

Ahhhhh… that’s better!

PS:  the galette was delicious!

PSS:  A word about our fruit trees.  We have always adopted the attitude of less is better with regards to our fruit trees.  It has taken many years for them to become productive.  Without spraying, the fruit can sometimes be ugly.  And we share a certain amount with the insects.  But… in spite of that… we are able to harvest enough organic fruit for our needs.

As for our figs – we are in zone 6b and our fig harvest is variable and, I believe, completely dependent upon the year’s weather conditions.  We planted our figs 15 years ago.  They are planted in a low spot on our land that is fairly protected from harsh winds.  The first couple of years, we placed stakes around them and wrapped them in burlap for the winter.   Each late spring I simply clip the old, dead growth from them.  Then, we do nothing but wait and watch.  It took many years for them to grow to the size they are this year.  Some years we harvest no figs.  Some years, like this year, we have an abundance.  

This year, for the first time, we fertilized our blueberry bushes and had a bumper crop.  I cannot be certain if our harvest was affected by the fertilization or by the perfect spring weather conditions.

No matter, we celebrate the years that bless us with homegrown, organic fruit.

We will be taking next week off to spend with our family.  We’ll be back the next week to share our adventures.  Be well and have a good week – ’til we chat again… sending hugs from the farm. 

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2024-07-26 03:00:00

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