March 6, 2025
Landrace Swine | Curiousfarmer

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Landrace Swine

I’m officially going on record and saying Landrace are more intelligent than the other breeds I’ve worked with. I’ve long suspected it, but this latest group of half Landrace hogs confirms my suspicions.

First example is the way they deal with electric fence. Most hogs, once trained to electric fence, respect it like you respect a beloved mentor. But these trained Landrace hogs respect electric fence like you respect a younger sibling. Definitely some testing of limits and boundary pushing!

Second example is when I moved them to a new pasture. After only a day of exploring, I fed them grain in their new pasture and some of them were stuck in their old pasture. They had to move away from me and go around a corner in order to get to their new pasture. This would’ve been impossible for most of my hogs to figure out, but it took these guys about five seconds to figure it out.

I’m really impressed with this group of half Landrace hogs produced by artificial insemination and plan to keep two or three gilts out of the group. I was so happy to find another Boar stud, North Iowa Boar Stud. I used Swine Genetics International for nearly thirty years, but the last time I called I was informed they had sold all their maternal boars and only had showpig sires.

I was in shock. It’s like hearing Hershey no longer makes chocolate bars. But times change. I guess they no longer have the demand. Thankfully, North, Iowa Boar Stud has a lot of maternal and meat quality boars for me to choose from. I hope they stay in business for a long time.

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2024-07-28 21:24:31

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