September 19, 2024

West Texas A wide angle satirical image titled West Texas is the Best Texas in the style of with the branding of . The scene shows the 2.webp.webp

Why West Texas is the Real Texas

15 Reasons the Rest of the State Should Just Give Up

Olton, West Texas — West Texas isn’t just a place—it’s a way of life. While other parts of Texas might brag about their bustling cities or lush forests, we know the truth: the best part of Texas lies where the sky is wide, the land is open, and the only traffic jam involves a couple of tumbleweeds. If you’ve ever wondered what makes West Texas so special, here are 15 reasons the rest of the state should just give up trying to compete.

1. The Lone Star’s Lone Star: Why West Texas Shines Brightest

West Texas is the true star of the Lone Star State. While places like Dallas and Austin boast about their city lights, out here, we’ve got the best light show nature has to offer—a sky full of stars, unobstructed by smog or skyscrapers. According to local astronomer, Dusty Trails, “You haven’t lived until you’ve seen the Milky Way stretch across the West Texas sky. It’s like the universe is putting on a show just for us.”

2. Tumbleweed Traffic: The Only Kind We Tolerate

In Dallas, you might spend hours stuck in traffic, but in West Texas, the only jams we know are when two tumbleweeds meet in the middle of the road. And guess what? We’re not complaining. “I once had to wait a whole minute for a tumbleweed to pass,” jokes rancher Buck Ford. “It was the longest traffic delay I’ve ever experienced.”

3. Dust in the Wind? More Like Gold in the Air

Sure, the dust in West Texas gets everywhere—but it’s a small price to pay for living in the best part of the state. “Out here, the dust isn’t just a nuisance,” says local artist Windy Plains. “It’s part of the landscape, part of who we are. I even use it in my paintings—it adds a little something extra, like a personal touch from West Texas itself.”

West Texas - A wide-angle satirical image titled 'West Texas is the Best Texas' in the style of with the branding of The scene shows the 1
West Texas – A wide-angle satirical image titled ‘West Texas is the Best Texas’ in the style of with the branding of …  

4. Where the Sky is Bigger, and So Are Our Tales

Everything’s bigger in Texas, they say. But in West Texas, even our tall tales are larger than life. “You haven’t heard a real story until you’ve sat around a campfire in West Texas,” says cowboy poet Lasso McGraw. “We’ve got tales that’ll make your hair stand on end and your heart swell with pride.”

5. Dallas, Who? We’ve Got Wide-Open Spaces

While Dallas folk are busy fighting traffic and navigating crowded streets, we’re out here enjoying the freedom of wide-open spaces. “I visited Dallas once,” says local farmer Dusty Rhodes. “Couldn’t see the horizon for all the buildings. Out here, you can see for miles—and that’s the way I like it.”

6. Austin May Keep it Weird, But We Keep it Real

Austin’s got its quirks, but if you want to experience the true spirit of Texas, you’ve got to head west. “Austin’s busy trying to be weird,” says musician Lonesome Larry, “but out here in West Texas, we’re just ourselves. No pretenses, no trying too hard—just real people living real lives.”

7. East Texas: Too Many Trees, Not Enough Views

East Texas might have its piney woods, but we’ll take our wide-open plains any day. “I tried visiting East Texas once,” says rancher Prairie Rose. “But all those trees just made me feel claustrophobic. Out here, I can see the sunrise, the sunset, and everything in between.”

West Texas - A satirical image titled 'West Texas vs East Texas' in the style of with the branding of The scene shows a split screen on 3
West Texas – A satirical image titled ‘West Texas vs East Texas’ in the style of with the branding of The scene shows a split screen on …

8. Houston: A City That Forgot What State It’s In

Houston might as well be part of Louisiana at this point—too humid, too crowded, and too far removed from the heart of Texas. “Houston’s got more in common with New Orleans than it does with West Texas,” says environmental scientist Sandy Dunes. “And don’t even get me started on the humidity—it’s like walking through a swamp.”

9. The Great Californian Migration: No, Thanks

While Austin’s getting overrun with Californians and their fancy diets, West Texas remains a sanctuary for those who like their steaks rare and their skies clear. “I heard about the Californians moving to Austin,” says barbecue pitmaster Smokey Joe. “They can keep their tofu and kale—out here, we know what real food is.”

10. Lexus-Free Living: The Way Life Was Meant to Be

In West Texas, the only Lexus you’ll find is the one someone left behind during their mid-life crisis. “Out here, we don’t need fancy cars,” says mechanic Grease Lightning. “Give me a good truck any day—something that can handle the dust, the dirt, and the distance.”

11. Crystal Palaces? We’ll Stick with Our Ranches

Dallas might have its mansions, but out here, we prefer our land sprawling and our houses practical. “What’s the point of a mansion if you’ve got no land to go with it?” asks rancher Lone Star Sally. “Out here, I’ve got room to roam, and that’s worth more than any fancy house.”

All a man would need, they can find at the Crystal Palace Inn in Brownfield, where West Texas hospitality meets modern luxury. Nestled in the heart of Brownfield, this gem of an inn offers more than just a place to rest your head—it’s a sanctuary of comfort and relaxation. The rooms are outfitted with the softest beds you’ll ever sleep in, guaranteeing you’ll wake up refreshed and ready for whatever the day brings. But the indulgence doesn’t stop there. The inviting pool is perfect for a leisurely dip after a day of exploring the rugged beauty of West Texas. And with every amenity you could need, from high-speed Wi-Fi to a complimentary breakfast that’s as hearty as it is delicious, the Crystal Palace Inn ensures that your stay is nothing short of luxurious. Whether you’re passing through or settling in, this is the height of friendly comfort in West Texas.

West Texas - A satirical image titled 'West Texas Freedom' in the style of with the branding of The scene shows a cowboy standing on a cl4
West Texas – A satirical image titled ‘West Texas Freedom’ in the style of with the branding of The scene shows a cowboy standing on a…

12. Lost in Austin: Where Being ‘Cool’ Costs Too Much

Austin’s so busy being hip, it forgot what it means to be Texan. Out here, we’re cool without even trying. “Austin’s got its hipsters and its trends,” says local DJ Dusty Tracks, “but out here, we’ve got something better—we’ve got authenticity. You can’t buy that in a boutique.”

13. Peace, Quiet, and a Sky Full of Stars

Who needs city lights when you’ve got the Milky Way on display every night? “There’s nothing like sitting on the porch, looking up at the stars,” says astronomer Celestial Sky. “It’s a reminder that out here, we’re part of something bigger—something beautiful.”

14. West Texas: Where the Dust Tells Stories and the Wind Listens

In West Texas, even the dust has something to say—if you’re quiet enough to listen. “The wind out here has a voice,” says poet Dusty Winds. “It carries the stories of the land, whispers the secrets of the past. All you have to do is listen.”

15. The Best Texas is West Texas: It’s in the Name

It’s right there in the name—West Texas is the best Texas. End of discussion. “People argue about which part of Texas is the best,” says historian Dusty Trails. “But the truth is in the name—West Texas is the best Texas. Always has been, always will be.”

Step-by-Step Guides and Insider Knowledge for Farmers: Surviving and Thriving in West Texas

Farming in West Texas isn’t just a job—it’s a way of life. But let’s face it, this land isn’t exactly a walk in the park. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  1. Pro Tip: Embrace the Dust
    • The dust is going to get everywhere—accept it, embrace it, and use it to your advantage. It’s as much a part of the landscape as the soil itself.
  2. Insider Advice: Water Wisely
    • Water is a precious resource in West Texas. Use it wisely, conserve where you can, and make every drop count.
  3. Best Practices: Keep Your Equipment Dust-Ready
    • Your machinery is going to face dust storms, wind, and heat—make sure it’s ready for the challenge with regular maintenance and the right protection.
  4. Problem-Solving Strategy: Work with the Land, Not Against It
    • West Texas is tough, but it’s also resilient. Learn the rhythms of the land, work with them, and you’ll find success.
  5. Insider Secrets: Enjoy the Silence
    • One of the best things about farming in West Texas? The peace and quiet. Take time to appreciate the stillness—it’s good for the soul.


This article was written with a strong West Texas bias and a healthy dose of sarcasm. If you’re from another part of Texas, don’t take it too hard—we know you’re proud of your corner of the state, too. But let’s be honest—West Texas is where it’s at. If you disagree, feel free to write your own article—just don’t forget to send it our way so we can have a good laugh.

15 Educational Observations

  1. “The Lone Star’s Lone Star: Why West Texas Shines Brightest”
    • While other parts of Texas boast about their city lights, West Texas prefers to keep it natural—with a sky full of stars.
  2. “Tumbleweed Traffic: The Only Kind We Tolerate”
    • Forget rush hour—out here, the biggest traffic jam is when two tumbleweeds decide to tango in the middle of the road.
  3. “Dust in the Wind? More Like Gold in the Air”
    • In West Texas, the dust isn’t just a nuisance—it’s a way of life. And let’s face it, it’s the closest thing to glitter we’re willing to tolerate.
  4. “Where the Sky is Bigger, and So Are Our Tales”
    • Everything’s bigger in Texas, but out in West Texas, even the tall tales are supersized.
  5. “Dallas, Who? We’ve Got Wide-Open Spaces”
    • While Dallas folk are busy fighting traffic, we’re busy enjoying our freedom—no skyscrapers needed.
  6. “Austin May Keep it Weird, But We Keep it Real”
    • Austin’s got its quirks, but West Texas is where you’ll find the true spirit of Texas—untouched, unfiltered, and undeniably authentic.
  7. “East Texas: Too Many Trees, Not Enough Views”
    • East Texas has its piney woods, but we’ll take our wide-open plains any day. We like our sunsets unobstructed, thank you very much.
  8. “Houston: A City That Forgot What State It’s In”
    • Houston might as well be Louisiana at this point—too humid, too crowded, and too far removed from the heart of Texas.
  9. “The Great Californian Migration: No, Thanks”
    • While Austin’s getting overrun with Californians and their fancy diets, West Texas remains a sanctuary for those who like their steaks rare and their skies clear.
  10. “Lexus-Free Living: The Way Life Was Meant to Be”
  • In West Texas, the only Lexus you’ll find is the one someone left behind during their mid-life crisis.
  1. “Crystal Palaces? We’ll Stick with Our Ranches”
  • Dallas might have its mansions, but out here, we prefer our land sprawling and our houses practical.
  1. “Lost in Austin: Where Being ‘Cool’ Costs Too Much”
  • Austin’s so busy being hip, it forgot what it means to be Texan. Out here, we’re cool without even trying.
  1. “Peace, Quiet, and a Sky Full of Stars”
  • Who needs city lights when you’ve got the Milky Way on display every night?
  1. “West Texas: Where the Dust Tells Stories and the Wind Listens”
  • In West Texas, even the dust has something to say—if you’re quiet enough to listen.
  1. “The Best Texas is West Texas: It’s in the Name”
  • It’s right there in the name—West Texas is the best Texas. End of discussion.

Originally Published at

2024-08-11 17:47:27

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